The scientists at Abbott poured their hearts into their research, so we made a commercial that would touch the hearts of their audience.
Since the bold minds at medtech company Abbott are used to breaking the mold, we created the series “Everyday Innovators” to break the barrier between the scientists and the people they serve. Garnering over 250K views across social, we knew we touched the hearts of their target demographic by highlighting the pride Abbott scientists take in their innovative work.
To help others understand, we had to learn it for ourselves. We worked with Abbott scientists to understand their products on a microscopic level before creating videos people could care about.
“This was a GREAT video by the marketing folks finding the right people. It was cool hearing the story of how the sensor was developed (especially pipetting the glucose oxidase by hand and fighting that capillary action with those micro pipettes) and hearing the story of the person who evolved from 45-second hanging blood drops to what he visioned as a scanner.”
Production, Post Production